Buy Invite Code
Dear potential member,

In order to prevent spam and people creating multiple accounts, we charge to get an invite code.
The money goes to supporting the forum and keeping it advertisement-free.

An invite code costs 10.00 USD. Fill in your e-mail below to proceed with the payment.
Upon completing the payment, you will be returned to this website and the code should be presented to you.
An e-mail is required so that we can send the invite code to your e-mail in case something unexpected happens when returning to our website after the payment is complete.

Please review our full legal disclaimer and rules BEFORE registering: here.
By registering on this website you agree to the full legal disclaimer, rules, and relinguish any rights to take legal action against the owner of ZEZ AUTO or its users within.
By registering you are also stating you are in sound mind and body and agree to our terms and legal disclaimer.