Full Version: Looking for help with a Dodge Ram 2014 6.7 CM2350B
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Hey Guys,
Sorry dont want to be the one only posting for help but so far i havent enough knowledge to be very helpful with those trucks. I have a Ram 2014 that is fully deleted and i had already two guys doing the delete for me but from my logging and understanding those deletes arent properly done because they had to block fault codes and i am running in protection mode because i am hitting fuel maps way over the ones that should be in the non EGR chi modes like CHI-4 and such. Can someone also point me in the right direction how to classify the CHI mode that the engine is currently in? I have calterm but what parameter will tell me what mode i am running in?
Set up a screen file that monitors the live engine mode and other important info, then take it on a test drive. That is the correct way to see what is going on inside the ecm. Use a simple desktop video recording software to record the data.

Here is an example of X15 engine being checked at idle after it was 100% properly de-mandated with about 3,800+ changes to the program. The parameters listed here will apply to just about all of the newer (2010+ model) engines:
(click to see larger image)

NOTE: These settings are READ ONLY, and are only for monitoring what is going on, and not for setting/adjusting anything.

This screenshot is showing...

*chi_mode_status = '0020'.
== Engine fully warmed up, no after-treatment warmup modes are active, Engine is considered itself as running in a primary operating mode, cold ambient is not active.

*chi_table_mask = '00000010'.
== Engine is operating in engine mode Chi-4 (non-egr operating mode).

*_chi_low & *Chi_high, both = '4'.
== Ecm is interpolating data in only one operating mode ( Chi-4 in this case) and not trying to split or scale the data.

*Fuel_state = '11'.
== engine is at idle.

*All of the 'EMM_*' settings are showing zeros.
== All of the backup/auxiliary emissions are properly de-activated, and not screwing with the combustion, etc.


Your questions was about a pick-up truck CM2350b engine though. so...

On a pick-up truck engine CM2350B, it should be in operating mode 'Chi-6' and not 'Chi-4'.

Chi4 on those pickup trucks is an extended high altitude (egr+) operating mode ... so your post above has some issue.

It is mode 'Chi-6' that a person would want to run the CM2350B in a pick-up truck, if they want to properly shut off those systems + do all the other corrections needed to get the combustion back into a safe area once the egr is shut off, as the factory programing and settings are very harmful, even for mode-6, once the egr is blocked off , aux.emissions and protection mode derates, etc. are all switched off, and the exhaust opened up properly.

NOTE: On a quick glance ... there are roughly 45 settings that need to be adjusted in the operating mode control logic tree to get the engine into its desired mode and keep it there reliably.
12 settings in the 'AIF' manager, to ensure primary mode conditions do not change.
29 settings in the 'CBR' manager, where the bulk of the mode selection tree resides.
2 settings in the 'CHH' manager (however they are optional), to prevent the logic tree from forking towards emissions modes.
2 in the 'EOP' manager, to prevent switching/overriding of the engine mode in the event of an engine overload condition.